We at SSGA aim to provide meaningful education to our students which is unique to Sloka the school -A temple of moral education. Education has a two-fold function to perform in the life of a man and in society: the one is utility and the other is culture. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education. Students to grow as responsible citizens, we must promote good habits and need to create a strong value system, which help them to lead a happy life. Learning how to learn is one of the key elements of education. We at SSGA teach our students to accept challenges, find information and solve problems as self-directed learners.


Prayer is a way to teach children to turn to God for wisdom and guidance. It helps to remind the young minds each day that they must bring their concerns and worries to God so that they gain clarity on the situation in a relaxed moment of prayer. The three purposes of prayer are: adoration - praising God for his greatness and admitting dependence on him. Confession - owning up to sin and asking for God's mercy and forgiveness. Thanks giving - thanking God for his many blessings, eg health or children.


The cultural activities enhance the confidence level of the students thereby allowing them to perform better. These activities develop the personality of the students and assist them in shaping a good career. In fact, students can also leverage the advantage of participating in various activities.

Cultural activities facilitate the holistic development of students. With these, the students no longer remain bookworms. They study, participate in different activities and follow their passion. So, parents should choose those schools that give equal importance to academics and other activities for a child’s development.


Temple visits as the primary source for learning about Hinduism present additional Constitutional and community concerns. The ability of public schools to take students to religious institutions has been challenged in court with claims that it violates separation of church and state. While these assertions might have validity, the increase of parent protests in these cases seems to reflect fears among some that religions such as Hinduism might have an undue influence on their children. In fact, some of the teachers Temple visits, particularly in areas that are still adjusting to diversity, can become a source of tension between schools and community members.


The purpose of this visit was to make the students realise their social responsibilities towards Senior Citizens. Such visits also activate the student’s thought process to realise the agony and pain which the people go through in their old age while living away from their dear ones. The visit intended to teach them how to interact with the elderly who may have poor hearing and understanding along with other health problems as a result of old age. The conclusion aimed was firstly, to find out how our students could help the Senior Citizens & make them feel happy and secure and secondly, to create a society in which there is no need to establish Old Age Homes.

Our students from all the various courses went with high enthusiasm and conviction to contribute their best during their visit. The students interacted with the residents in the Old Age Home and lovingly served them fresh fruits and juices.