We at Sri Sankara Global Academy offer Sanskrit right from Grade IV till VII. As it is the Most Ancient and Perfect Among the Languages of the World. Its Storehouse Of Knowledge Is An Unsurpassed And The Most Invaluable Treasure Of The World. In Order To Highlight Its International Significance And To Keep Intact Traditional Scholarship And To Strike A Compromise Between Indian And Western Outlook, we have this language thought to the children from Grade 1 to VII , by means of slokas , words and the forms.


We at Sri Sankara Global Academy offer Sanskrit right from Grade I to VII as the third language.


Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of computer science and engineering. We have this Robotics class from Gr: IV to VIII . Robotics involves design, construction, operation, and use of robots. Our school robotics classes give you a concrete grasp of robotics, including different types of robots and how they’re being applied across industries.


In making the students self-dependent, we impart them with values through various activities involving integrated skills of physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development consolidating to aim at Integrated skills. STS activities are designed to inculcate values aligning with the need of an hour, exclusively indoor and outdoor activities. Students present themselves to discuss own topic of general interest or from subjects or from current affairs, drawing values behind it, and also how to be balanced over success and failures.


It was at a crucial time of safe guarding Sanatana Dharma, Sri AdhiSankara the incarnation of Lord Shiva established Shanmatham. In chain of spiritual hierarchy, Sri KanchiKamakotiPeetam was established about 2500 years ago, with a view to establish values and Indian Cultural Traditions among the people for peaceful living with principles. H H Shri Jeyandra Saraswathi Swamigal , the 69th Pontiff of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam took the initiative of spreading the traditional values mainly through education and founded Sri Sankara Educational Trust Six decades ago. H H Shri Jeyendra Saraswathi Swamigal started over 100 institutions all over India, out of which 28 are under the control of Sri Sankara Educational Trust, the rest of the schools were given to the local community managed by exclusive committees.

Out of the 28 schools, 12 schools are made completely free. Honorable PM Narendra Modi ji, visited one of our school in Kaladi and performed pooja in the banks of the river, Poorna, and also visited the stoopa of Adi Sankara in kaladi. Sankara Group is committed to providing value based educational for more than 25 thousand children. The Trust encourages economically poor children with good academic background through scholarships at various levels. The Trust has widened its area of activities for the public cause with free medical facilities through clinic for the unaffordable lots and free care homes for the destitute elders to give them decent peaceful living with honour during their rest of life span. The Trust believes in equality and ensures education to all children under its care beyond the boundaries of caste, creed and color.